
Thursday, June 15, 2017


So, when I was working as a server in one of the casinos that I work for, I got the chance to collect US Quarters and this is one of the many. It's not about the currency value. I am just amazed of the iconic landmarks featured in every states. I made 4 albums of coin collecting. Soon, I will blog about it. For now, I just want you to know that I am into #coin #collecting of US quarters.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Electric Guitar

My brother has an electric guitar when h was in college and I do not know where it is now. He loves playing with it. I bet it is nicer to play the electric guitar than the ordinary one.
Here is a store where you can find a hollow body electric guitar . Just check it out!

All About Guitar

If I have to buy a guitar now, I would love to get a color green guitar. For no apparent reason at all. I just love the color green and it just  cool to own. Would you choose a green too?
Checking for a small guitar name ? You might want to visit this site.

Friday, September 16, 2016

Saxophone Moutpiece

Who is your favorite saxophone player? Mine, it is Kenny G! I also like Chuck Mangioni infact, In fact, have a collection of his songs.

Do you know how to play the saxophone? If you do, are you looking for an alto sax mouthpiece? Do not look any further but here. Check this site.

Monday, May 2, 2016

Exciting Activities

I am so excited to tell y'all that I gathered new pictures to post in this blog. Now is the best time to share it all to you because I am recuperating from my major surgery I had last Wednesday. I might visit Orlando too in few weeks time before I go back to work.  I hope I can do that. Sharing you a couple of pictures I had 5 years ago. Time flies so fast huh?

Anyway, blogging and getting well is my aim this week. Of course, online shopping too and I will be checking mackie onyx at Musician Friends.

What can I do but do these activities. I need something to keep me out of boredom, right? I promise, I will update my blog after this post. Check it out okay?

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

#Happiness is ....

Traveling, watching skies and nature tripping are just few of the things that I love to do. I am in great awe of the beauty of nature thus, upon watching sunsets and the blue skies, I feel appreciative of the blessings that I have. God is great! Life is not all the time smells like roses but, wen it is not, I give thanks to God for the strength and endurance, both are blessings too, you know.
Anyway, are you curious what I do when I am at home? I love watching TV, browsing the net and love ... love... love shopping online. I got two jobs and of course, I pamper myself with the things that makes me happy. I have peavey t shirt , collections of shoes and perfumes. How about you?

Monday, May 18, 2015

I Am Into #Music

It's been awhile since I listen t the kind of music that I want to hear. I literally love to wander my mind into love songs and inspirational music so; I decided to buy a new gadget. Downloaded the songs and for days now, I took time to listen to the music. You see, I rarely have free time at all but when I do, I indulge into listening to music. It's good to free my mind from all the worries. Are you into music as well? If you do, shop musicians friend and find the instrument that you want to play.

Friday, April 3, 2015


I love #shopping online but, I am not a compulsive one. It took me a lot of browsing and checking on coupons for big discounts and when there is a free shipping too. When I see a product such as dj cart, I share it to my Facebook page for my friends to see. If it is a good deal online, I want my friends to check it out too. I prefer to shop online, how about you?

Thursday, February 26, 2015

#Kitchen #Cabinet

Three years ago, I did my 3 levels of home expansion which was really a quick project. The interior was left undone.  Just few days ago, I was planning to continue the renovation on the other part of the house where the kitchen and the main door were located. Since I am not living there all the time, a cute kitchen design like this is perfect. Look at the cabinet and the stainless steel, glorious isn't it?

This week, I will contact my brother who is an Engineer and would love him to see the rev a shelf products here. Looking forward to see this beauty in my place.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Guitar Plucking

Lately, I have been listening to guitar plucking and I was mesmerized. It was so good to listen to the artistic way of playing the guitar. The guitarists played so well and wow, they are truly skilled and amazing artists. I play the guitar but, I can't play plucking. It's hard! If I only I know how to play it, I would buy an arz400t for sure.

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