Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Beautiful Tiles

Blogging for Financial Gain
Home Project
Rooftop View

I can see the sunrise and on the other side, the sunset! It feels heaven when I am up there on the rooftop! The picture above is the view of my place from the rooftop, facing the airport. Gorgeous sky today!
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Search for Web Hosting
Message Board
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Wedding Photographer in Cagayan de Oro City

I had known him since College Days in Xavier University. His talent and skills in photography sharpened through the years. For every activity in XU, his talent in photography is highly in demand. He covers all kinds of photo engagement activity most especially Weddings, Anniversary, Seminars and Yearbook. If you are having a difficulty or in need any assistance as to how to contact him, just leave a comment below. This photographer is highly recommended!
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
RV Accessories
Monday, January 10, 2011
The Reunion of XU Library Kapamilya

Shown in the pictures are some of the XU Librarians and my co-workers in college. We are called XU Library Association of Working Scholars, a group of XU Students who are self supporting with the help of the remuneration that we received as an SA-student assistant. They are part of my life who have been instrumental of what I am today.
Friday, January 7, 2011
Travel Destination
Have you been to New York City? High rise buildings will truly amazed you. Not only that, this enchanting city that never sleeps would give you a momentum of real fun. Why won't you click the Website now and start planning your travel with your love one? Make your life this new year as exciting as you want. Travel and see the world by exploring the possibilities that you never dare to imagine.
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Dahilayan Adventure Park in Bukidnon

Here's the fish pond below the restaurant. This is a nice place to hang out especially when you book a room in the adjacent area. There is a P 2,800/night good for 3; P3,200 is a family room good for 4 persons. The rooms were cozy and very elegant , good for honeymoon :-)

Auto Repair in Houston
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
UMAC Balikbayan Box in Orlando

The big truck has a logo UMAC, Philippines and when they deliver, they took pictures of the box with the recipient as a receipt. Excellent idea right? The next two boxes, it was a FOREX cargo truck (sister company) who delivered my boxes but the same employees. For three years, I am satisfied with UMAC services. I highly recommend it to all of you who are planning to send Balikbayan Boxes to the Philippines. Note: Just make sure you seal the whole box evenly and put a computerized address to all sides. So far, I have no problem and hoping I won't have in the future.
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Beach Resorts