Two days ago, hubby and I decided to visit NASA's Kennedy Space Center. This place is about 15 minutes away from where we live. On the main street of our neighborhood, we can actually see this building, pretty cool huh?
Anyway, this is called Vehicle Assembly Building (VAB) and it is the fourth-largest structure in the world by volume and was the largest when completed in 1965.
It was mentioned by our tour guide that the VAB is the largest single-story building in the world. Oh yeah, it is only a single story building. This place is where they assemble the Saturn V rocket for the Apollo program. This was the tallest building in Florida until 1974 and is still the tallest building in the United States outside an urban area. These are pretty fascinating facts right? Check out the picture below.
Did you see the building which was pointed by the arrow (picture above)? That's the Vehicle Assembly Building and I took the picture from the bridge heading to Kennedy Space Center.
The tour bus drove at the back of the Assembly Area for us to see the huge crawler.
Are you planning to visit Florida any time soon? You should check out NASA's Kennedy Space Center. You will definitely love this place.
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