
Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Gold as Investment

Are you looking for an investment that would yield great return of your money? Invest to buy gold bullion today and that will be the wisest decision you could ever make. Gold is classified to be a liquid investment and this is the most popular for investors because it is safe against political and economic crisis. All throughout the history, gold has been used as money. When you have gold bullion, it is a common way of owning gold as it is. The most traditional way of investing in gold is when you buy bullion gold bars which are easily be bought or sold at the major banks in some countries. Anyway, you can also invest in gold IRA a way to secure your future. If you want a comprehensive information about gold investment, check out the links here and request for a FREE guide. Buy gold bullion and invest in gold today!

Friday, March 25, 2011

The Bottom Three: Top 11 Finalists

This week is Motown Madness episode of American Idol yielded to a mind-blowing and whirlwind turn of events! The bottom three was a shocker! Casey Abrams, Stefano Langone and Thia Megia had the least votes this week!All of them performed their BEST Motown favorites Tuesday night but, I was not expecting Casey and Thia would be in the bottom three. But, since nobody can predict who will be voted out, each results can be off-guard! I am a fan of Stefano but, based on performance, he should be OUT this week! The votes saved him really! He sang HELLO by Lionel Richie and his rendition is not that good. The phrasing and the pronunciation needs improvement!

Thia's performance was not bad when she sang HIT WAVE! Though I wanted her to win, I don't see her as the next American Idol. I wanted her to go out from her shell. She is already cute and charming and I don't want her to stay like that on stage. I wanted her to show her BEST and give her BEST! She don't shine among them. She is just one of them. I hope she will realize that this is her moment to WOW the crowd!

The shocking moment was when the judges unanimously throw their ONE CARD to save Casey. Was it worth the saving? I think it was not a good decision. I hope JLO will not cry if she can't save another soul at the bottom three. 11 Finalists next week but, two finalists will be out! It's getting better every week now! Fellow Kababayan, please vote Thia, let us be proud of her no matter what!

Blue Sky Scrubs

Are you looking for scrubs and lab coats? There's no need for you to look any where else but only here at blue sky The objective of this company is to create and manufacture a high quality but affordable medical scrub products for health care professionals. If you are looking for green scrubs, this Website is all you need to check out.
This company is also committed in providing you comfortable and fashionable products which are made in high quality materials. The unattractive and ill-fitting scrub hats are gone forever! Thanks to the creator of blue sky scrubs products, the sleek and slim-fitting cap became the new fad for health care professionals. Visit the Website now and check their products such as: scrub hats, jackets, shirts, medical coats, and accessories. If you are looking for a one-stop-shop, blue sky is the right place to start!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Two Cents

It's been five days that I chose to relax my eyes from my PC. All I did the whole time was do some household chores but watch TV at the same time and enjoy the outdoors. Hubby and I took the time to drive the neighborhood everyday and did some grocery.One more thing, our share of two cents this week: Our neighbors had a hit and run accident last week and since they are nice couple, hubby offers a ride. The wife needs a ride to and from the workplace so, both of us will pick her up all the time until they fix their car. It's NO hassle at all since we have nothing to do anyway. We should do something NICE to others right? What's your two cents today? It's not too late! Do something good to others okay?

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Hard Rock Hotel

I miss this place. Hubby and I loves our routine for food trip while living in Mississippi. The Hard Rock Casino and Hotel in Biloxi is one of my favorite places to dine out. We live 10 minutes away from all the casinos in this area and there's no dull moment in this place. We dine out, stroll the beach area, did some crabbing and fishing, watched the parades and engaged ourselves to the city activities.In Hard Rock, we usually play the slot machines and when we are hungry, we go to their buffet. It is very affordable especially on Wednesdays where they offer 50% discount. I was an employee of the another casino too but, I did not frequent in my workplace. I just love the ambiance of Hard Rock! One time, I had an offer in my work-from-home job, it's a ppc search engine marketing and I did have many hits. That is just a proof that Hard Rock really rocks!

Pirate's Alley Cafe

When we live in Mississippi, travelling to New Orleans is just an hour away. When hubby and I gets bored, we just go to Bourbon Street and stay a couple of hours to unwind. I love to travel and take pictures of just anything that's interesting.

The logo designs in the restaurants, bars and in the gift shop stores are truly awesome! They are the work of art and you will admire each unique style. They vary in sizes, themes and wonderful color scheme. The picture above is one of the beautiful signs that I like. This area play vital role in history.

Pirates Alley is the reputed meeting place of the Lafitteā€™s and Andrew Jackson in 1814 where they formed an alliance and planned the successful defeat of the British at the Battle of New Orleans. They say that there are spirits here! The souls from people who lived and died in these streets that they refuse to hide in the dusty ruins of the past. Amazing ghost story? It's up to you to believe it or not!

Twister Fries

I have crazy food cravings! It is so easy to feed me because I am so shallow with just anything. How shallow? Well, I can cry with sentimental movies even if I saw it a millionth times. You can drag me to eat bananaque while walking on the street hehehe, sort of! Thanks to the wonders of deep-fryer and frozen fries! This preparation is easy and no sweat at all!

I found a website that talks about food and simple recipes and they send email newsletters to their subscribers. It is very helpful for me because I have no cooking idea whatsoever! My mother is the cook in the house and I am the breadwinner! I have no time for cooking during my day off. My aunt's family lives with us for many years and all my cousins do the cooking too. Basically, I provide for food and they do the cooking! Anyway, living away from home is not easy! But, I manage to adjust pretty good! For four years, what do you expect? I am NO expert but, I can cook and hubby loves my cooking! Well, twister fries is just a comfort food that I featured in this post! Even a three year old knows how to make this with supervision, LOL!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

My Favorite Photos

I was browsing the latest wall post of my friends and family on FB and found these pictures. I snagged these pictures from the album of my favorite sister. She is with her lil girl, one of my favorite nieces and the background view is my favorite place to visit--->the Stonehenge.Back home, when we were still single, we love to hang out in the mall and loves to dine out before we head home. It was our way of toning down the monotony of "work-home career woman routine". It's not that we have no life after work or no friends to hang out with, we just love to talk our love life while enjoying the comfort of food and shopping. Oh Yeah! We get along well and we do share our lil rants and raves that is why she is my favorite sister.Her cute lil gurl is so pretty and haven't seen her yet. She is an angel and so funny with her British accent. Can't wait to talk to her one day, must be fun! The place that they went for a short holiday vacation is one of my dream place to visit. My Sociology Professor in College had so many stories both facts and fiction about Stonehenge. I was drawn in my imagination listening about this place. It would be my greatest joy to see this place with my sister and her lil girl, one day! Call it, my three most favorites, huh!

Maui Homes

Are you looking for an island retreat? If you love to watch the sunrise and the sunset by the beach, check out Maui Homes. Maui is considered as the leading whale-watching in the island of Hawaii; home to huge rain forest, and beautiful coral reefs. It is a wise decision to own a property in this place either for family use or for rental purposes.My brother-in-law and his family lived in Hawaii for so many years. Later, he and his family eventually moved to an ancestral house in Missouri because it was listed according to their budget. He sold his home in Hawaii but retain his condo as a real property income. Even though they lived in another state now, they love the Island of Hawaii because of the beautiful beaches and the wonderful people that they made friends with. His condo property yielded favorable income on his part due to the fact that Hawaii is one of the biggest tourist destinations in the world.

I travelled the Philippines to US for the last three years now and have been to Hawaii for few hours of stop-over. I was just lucky to see the aerial view of the beauty of this island. My husband and I extend the possibility of buying a condo by the beach in the island of Maui.

Paradise Cove in Orlando

Hubby and I was invited to a wedding ceremony of our friend's friend. Actually, it was a business invitation because my hubby was the officiant who performs the wedding ceremony. It was for FREE of charge because our friend is one of our closest friends, there you go LOL.
The bride is so beautiful and the groom is gorgeous, they were perfect to each other. Hoping they will be together forever and till death do they part, hmmm....awesome promise!
Paradise Cove is located at Lake Bryan Drive, Orlando, Florida. These are the pictures which I took before the wedding proper. I just love the scenery!
Paradise Cove is just nearby Disney area. If you are planning to have this place for your wedding ceremony and reception, wohoooo.....two thumbs up, I highly recommend it.
They have wedding packages which you can choose from according to your budget. Check out their website, paradisecoveorlando dot com :-) and if you need someone to marry you, leave your phone number on the comment below and I will refer you to the best notary service in Orlando, worries, it's affordable. You have my word for that.
I saw their photographer, he took amazing captions! If you love my pictures, you can hire me too :-) , two meetings will be good. Thanks for stopping by!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Messenger Bag

I love to go out and just bring a single bag which can carry all my gadgets. When I do my errands, I just grab my bag and won't worry of something that I left behind. Who would want a gigantic bag and carry stuff that you don't use most of the day right? Are you always on the go and have a limited time to dig your closet for messenger bags? There's no need to do that because all you need is the product below.

This is a messenger bag which is manufactured here in the US, the most convenient thing that you need. This product is locally made in San Francisco by a group of creative entrepreneurs. It is waterproof so, it is worry-free if weather changed abruptly! Check it out today!

Japan's Earthquake and Tsunami

I watch the news everyday especially about the latest on Japan's Earthquake and Tsunami aftermath. It was heartbreaking to hear the voice of a father calling his son amidst the 15 ft debris. How traumatic it was for those children who witnessed the waves swallowed the whole city in minutes. How horrible was the moment when a survivor narrated his ordeal ... swept away by the rushing waves. How terrifying was the experience of seeing the 30 ft tsunami rushing to your direction as you are trapped inside your car? It's beyond words according to one survivor.

By looking at the picture which I snagged from yahoo, the magnitude of the devastation is truly beyond imagination! According to the news, March 11 earthquake in Japan is the largest that hits the country and considered as the top five largest earthquakes in the whole world. The 8.9/9.0 magnitude earthquake caused the tsunami that leveled Sendai and other places in Japan. The crisis in Japan is not their own battle. We should show our compassion and help them. They might be one of the richest country in the world but, on this tragedy they need our support. If you want to donate, make sure that you trust the organization. For those who had none, be one of us who prays for miracles that people may find their lost love one.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Disney World Grand Vacation

I live less than 30 minutes away from Disney World and since I am a Floridian, I am entitled to a discount to any attractions in Disney. Aside from this great opportunity, I have friends who can give me free passes for all the parks in Disney World. I have been to Magic Kingdom, Epcot, Animal Kingdom and Hollywood Studio many times but, I will keep coming back if I can find time. I just enjoyed all their attractions especially the musical stage show. Wennie the Pooh is one of my favorite characters and I bought some good stuff with it for my niece back home. My grand vacation will never complete if I can't visit the Tree of Life. I love this attraction because it house the Bugs Life where Flick, the ant lives. I love their stage show!

The picture above is Rafiki from the Lion King movie. I love animated movies of Disney. In fact, I have a collection of princesses maniatures and other cute characters. I usually buy key chains too everytime I visit Disney because it gives me a sense of pride by looking at my simple collections.To know more about Disney and all it's attractions, just visit ShopWiki because it provides links to any relevant topic. They cover the most comprehensive information that you can ever get.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

At Disney World

When my husband worked in his company for more than 20 years, Disney World attraction was just easy to visit. Disney gave their company a pass good for a year's visit to all the attractions of Disney World including free parking. I had the privileged for two years though because my hubby had an early retirement. For two years, I visited only the four main parks namely: Magic Kingdom, Animal Kingdom, Epcot and Hollywood Studios.
We never use our passes for Typhoon Lagoon, Blizzard Beach and others because we do not have the time. So ironic that others would spend money just to be here while we just take it for granted, huh? What if I will apply as a seasonal employee? All Disney Employees are given free pass for two for the whole year. What an amazing adventure right?

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Car Accident

We were heading back home from an errands when we saw a helicopter hovering above the main highway. All of a sudden, the road ahead halted with a heavy traffic. It was in every direction that we look, the cars can't move anymore. The blurry picture below was the reason behind all the traffic that made us wondering for few minutes. A trailer truck burst on fire as it occupy the island separating both directions in the busy toll gate area.

I wonder if austin car accident lawyer can cover this type of accident, what do you think? The driver was injured and was taken to the hospital and maybe he was alright because after the news, there is no follow up information about it. It was a big hassle for the motorists at that time since it happened on a rush hour. Accidents happen all the time so, it's nobody's fault. We managed to find our way home using private roads and we arrived sooner than we think.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Home Office Desks

Hey y'all! I am just excited to share what I found today! I saw this executive desk which is really gorgeous for home office desks. I am a big fan of rich cherry finish material and this furniture would look amazing in our office/den. I have been looking for a desk which has more drawers to store my files and office materials. The top is made up of durable melamine surface which can resist scratches, abrasions and stains. I love the file drawers because it's a space saver and it comes with a ball bearing slides so, it glides easily. I was attracted to the handles too because it matches with our traditional chest and cabinet in the master's bedroom. What do you think? If you are looking for an office desk with great design, visit the Website today. Just click the link provided here and enjoy your online shopping.

Road Trip Photos

I was checking some pictures that I had in one of my pc's and I found these. I would like to share these photos that I took during our road trip two years ago. When my father-in-law lost his wife, he lived alone for almost three months. He lives in this three bedroom house and it's just too lonely for him to live by himself.
My hubby asked my father if he likes the idea that we will move-in with him to accompany him in the house. At first, he was so adamant but, later on gave in and excited to see us.
We were traveling from Florida to Mississippi on the scenic routes. Florida is truly amazing! The beach is gorgeous and the view is fantastic! The only set back? I am using an ordinary phone camera at that time. These pictures were taken in the evening so, it's an awkward images.We arrived almost midnight on this very date. Lil did we knew that in less than two years, FIL will be gone forever. It was too soon but, hey, we did have a good time. I always blog about him during those months. He played the Wii Game at 89 years old :-) Unbelievable!
The picture above is in Biloxi, heading towards Ocean Springs. I was happy actually because we moved to a place that have the fascinating view of the Gulf Coast and almost a dozen hotels and casinos.
I will post more photos of my travel soon. Have a happy life everyone.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Stuffy Nose

I have been suffering from an on and off headache, stuffy nose and misty eyes since I arrived from my three months vacation. I don't like to smell perfumes, I hate smoke and dust because it triggers my headache. I tried to research about stuffy nose and here is what I found out:
Rhinitis is a medical term for stuffy nose. It is the irritation and inflammation of some internal areas of the nose and the symptom would be the nasal dripping. I had this all the time and what's crazy was, when I am in a nice environment like the mall, I really feel good. When I smell something clean gosh, I felt so healthy! When I smell cigarette or just a slight smell of fumes, I swear that I would feel dizzy and have a nasal congestion!

My wild guess, I have a non-allergic rhinitis called vasomotor rhinitis. I never have allergy since childhood and according to a research study, hormones play a vital role in this type of rhinitis. Any individual suffering from vasomotor rhinitis will experience the symptoms year-round, though symptoms may exacerbate in the spring and autumn when rapid weather changes are more common. Maybe this is what I have. If you think you are having this symptom, consult your doctor. That's what I am doing and my appointment will be tomorrow.

iPod Touch

I was so disappointed today when I can't open the Website which I saved in my favorites. I found out that it's gone and they are still looking for a web hosting company for their site. I guess that company are losing their clients. I was about to do my online shopping but then, it won't connect. If I have a business and already built a connection to my customers, I will make it sure that they can find me on the Web.Of course, I made my online shopping to another Site like Walmart and Best Buy. I want to buy another iPod Touch because I gave my iPod to my brother when I visited the Philippines last year. I was actually comparing the price and I found a good deal but, I will wait few days to buy it because it will definitely go down. The iPod Touch now is with FaceTime, Retina display, HD video recording, and Game Center. I am buying an Apple iPod touch with 32GB capacity and in new design. I love this gadget because it features face time video calling and it has brilliant 960-by-640 retina display. It's has an awesome HD 720p video capture with built-in mic and has an Apple A4 chip in it. What I love about this iPod Touch is that, it has a front and back-facing cameras and has an iOS 4.1 software. I just need a 32GB Apple iPod touch because I know that in the future, I will have to give it away, so this is good for me right now. Oh by the way, this item is compatible with a Mac and Windows. I miss my iPod and this replacement is an awesome replacement.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Thia Megia: Top 13 Finalist in American Idol

Let us look back on the milestones of Thia Megia in American Idol. I snag this clip from QuakOffNetwork channel in Youtube (thanks for sharing). Thia Megia is the youngest who made it on American Idol Top 10/13 finalists.

Thia Megia is only 15 years old and a high school student from California. During the audition, Randy Jackson likes her name because it rhymes and J.Lo added that it sounded like a movie star name. Indeed, stardom is not far behind for this Filipino-American finalist! This is it! One week at a time, the ladder to fame and stardom is just a grasp away!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Best Hotels

The picture shown below is one of the high rise hotels and casino in New Orleans. Staying in a place like this is convenient, exciting and fun! The thrill of watching the people playing poker is the best past time I ever have. This game combines wit and sharp strategy to out-smart other players. Perhaps, some of the poker players who frequent in the casinos have been practicing online too. I have a friend who works in the poker room and I saw him practicing during break time. In fact, he loves to join and compete a tournament online. I don't have the skills to play poker but, I sure did enjoy watching them play and win the game!

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