As a Florida resident, I get to enjoy the affordable Annual Pass price in Disney World as well as in Kennedy Space Center. My annual pass will expire soon and I was hoping to use it one more time before it does. Visiting the Kennedy Space Center is always fun and exciting for me. Each visit is a different experience but, I enjoyed every second of it. The Atlantis is an attraction that is truly spectacular! Imagine seeing the real thing that has been traveling from Earth to the space and according to KSC's fun facts, the Space Shuttle Atlantis has traveled in space for 125,935,769 miles in total. That's amazing! Seeing it up close, I can see the traces of beating that it endures ... scratches and all but, the historic Atlantis sure looks so great.
The sight is priceless especially right after the door opens. I could almost cry! Honestly, that's the feeling ... knowing that Space Shuttle Program has ended. As the guests moved to the long winding hallway, everyone goes to a huge room to see a video , the history and it's first travel and the last. It was fascinating and I was watching attentively! When the video was over, boom ... door opens and this gigantic space vehicle was right in front of me!
I love visiting the Kennedy Space Center. This is the only place that I truly missed when we moved to the Gulf coast.

Anyway, have you been to Orlando lately? Have you visited Disney World? If you have the time, check out the Space Coast and for an hour drive, you can reach Kennedy Space Center.
Though Atlantis is my new favorite attraction next to Apollo/Saturn V Center, there's a lot of attractions that I am sure you and your family will enjoy. You can relax in the IMAX Theatre and watch a full length Science-space related movies. You can try the Shuttle Launch Experience and if you love an adrenalin rush ride, this attraction might be your thing. If you love walking, you may explore the Exploration Space: Explorers Wanted. This place is truly educational. I can stay here for long hours. And yes, the Rocket Garden , you should not missed too.
Back to Atlantis Attraction, this is really a great place to unwind and read Science related facts about space, the astronauts, the Atlantis and so much more. Even the "How Astronauts Go" has an exhibit too. Well, have you ever asked that question too?
The Space Shuttle Atlantis is a vehicle and it launched like a rocket and flew in orbit like a spacecraft and when it landed on the runway, it's like a glider. That's a fact provided by #KSC. This lovely vehicle is now on display at KSC in Florida.
The picture above is located at the entrance of Atlantis attraction. An upright and full-scale replica with external tank (in orange), with solid rocket boosters, (2 of them) and stands 184 ft . Pretty awesome right?
Here we are inside the Atlantis attraction. There are over 60 interactive exhibits inside Atlantis building so; if come here ... you can stay here whole day and you will never get bored.

This area is heading to the exit and the souvenir shop in Atlantis.
Before heading to other attractions, I took a one last look and take some pictures too. The husband is taking a picture from a mezzanine area on the right where the games and other exhibits were located.
So, when are you planning to visit the Kennedy Space Center in Florida?