
Sunday, July 31, 2011

Random Thoughts : July 2011

My birthday month is over and here we are, welcoming August! A lot happened for July right? The NOT GUILTY verdict of the mom of Caylee Anthony; the end of Shuttle Program of NASA in Kennedy Space Center; higher rate of JOBLESS in the United States; Real Estate continued downhill (good for buyers); the massacre/bombings in Oslo Norway killing almost 70 people - national mourning; death of Amy Winehouse; debate on debt ceiling agreement in Politics and so on and so forth. Such an endless battle of what? The world needs PEACE and HARMONY! Let us all UNITE for the common good to make this world a better place to live for the generation to come.

Window Flower Boxes

I love gardening especially flower and vegetable gardens. It is very obvious with my past blog posts. I talk about my beautiful blooming flowers and my produce in the vegetable garden. It was fun and in fact, my husband got into gardening too with his potted tomato plant. But, since we moved to another place, we left behind the garden that we love.Anyway, the house of my father-in-law has flower boxes at the side of the front door. I like it because it has a nice decorative design and it serves as a nice accent at the entrance way. It is very inviting and warm if you have flowers in your garden. If you use a flower box to accent your window then, you might as well get a windowbox. The house decorated with window boxes just like the picture above is very inviting and it adds to the beauty of the house. If you planted fresh flower on the box, it adds a pleasant sight to your property, right? So, if you want to add colors and life to your windows and front porch, put a finishing touches of flower box. Visit the links to find out where you can buy this product.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

The Catch Of a Lifetime

What a statement right? The catch of a lifetime could be the word spoken by the living for this Sgt US Army who was laid to rest. Have you been to a military cemetery? Look at the grave marker and read the message engraved on it. You will be amazed as to the depth of the meaning in each one of them. I was not really paying attention until we went to the car and my husband was looking at this gravestone. I took the picture but out of curiosity, I started reading more and it was truly remarkable and unique.
The next time I visit, I will surely snap more pictures to blog about.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Online Portfolio Manager

My father-in-law was a very smart, resourceful and a frugal man at the same time. He also knows the circumstances of both market and product realities as well as the services and was very good in investment. He had an Online Portfolio Manager which he always bragged about. He was an accountant by profession so; he had a wide knowledge about financial management. How I wish he was here now to share me an advice about the Do It Yourself portfolio management. He shared a little bit of information about his activities online. I don't know if what kind of Portfolio rebalancing software he was using but, it was good.

He always bragged when his stocks rise up to the ceiling and earned so much. But, when he loses, he will just keep quiet but never gets upset. He was determined that his investment is in good hands. He believed that his investment will profit big. In fact he says, he started with a small investment and later on, he was able to triple all his shares.

I saw how it fluctuate from losing to earning profits. I was nervous one time because it was losing way downhill! He told me not to worry because it will only go up! Sure enough, it did in few days! When he died last year, he was right as always, his portfolio was doing great and his children were financially happy.

Are you interested in this type of investing? Have you heard about MarketRiders? It is the Internet’s first online portfolio manager. It guides investors like you in building, buying and managing your financial venture that target diversified retirement portfolio focusing global. If you are interested, please check out the links for more information.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Panera Bread

Everyday, hubby and I had to go out for either do the grocery or dine out. Today, we met a client to notarize her divorce papers. She was 33 years old with a minor kid. Well, she don't feel bad with the situation. She just want OUT from the marriage. Anyway, we chose this place because I crave for their soup and bread. Besides, the ambiance is elegance and very cozy to stay for few hours. I guess they don't mind because I saw people meet up doing the crochet activity.This place is a bakery and cafe' in one. Panera Bread is known to bake fresh bread right from the oven. In 2006, Panera Bread recieves a "Quick-Track Awards of Excellence". Rank as #1 in the Annual Restaurant Satisfaction Survey and also winning an awards for their products, service and efficiency. I must admit, I like the warmth of welcome which they gave to the customers like me. Did you know that Padera Bread is a Grease-free environment and service NO alcohol. This is a Broccoli Cheddar which is made of chopped broccoli, shredded carrot with seasonings, and the velvety smooth cheese is to die for. Anyway, this is worth $5.49 , bread bowl with broccoli soup. So delicious! Highly Recommended!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Hummer H2

The Hummer H2 came on the scene in 2003. The H2 is smaller than the original Hummer. The H2 seems to hold its resale value well for example a 2007 Hummer H2 is still selling for around $25,000. The H2 Hummer will approximately get about 17 miles to a gallon of gas. One disadvantage the Hummer has is for its size it has a relatively small cargo space. It also is a little difficult to parallel park and maneuver into small spaces in a parking garage.For those drivers who need a strong off road capability in a rough open terrain the Hummer H2 performs very well. Many of its owners love the style of the H2 as it does stand out among most SUV's.

The Hummer is powered by a 6.0 v8 engine packing 316 hp. The H2 has no competition when it comes to off-road capabilities and has 10 inches of ground clearance and a protected under body. It can conquer almost any kind of terrain except the smaller trails since Hummer2 is so wide.

The Hummer H2 was manufactured from 2003-2009. The 2003 H2 still has a resale value of over $15,000 so if you're looking for a large used SUV, you might consider the Hummer H2. Check it out from Used Cars in Chicago for they have several listings of car dealerships. Visit the Website today and read the articles from their blog.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011


Shhhh! I know! I am using my iPad, HTC phone and laptop all together on standby for tasks. Working at home is tiring too! The busy traffic on the road and the annoying commute, I never had that for years. In fact, for almost four years in the US, I never experience riding on a bus to report for work. Lucky me, I work from home!Working at home is fun because I can manage my time wisely. I hate to wake up early too. But sometimes, this job is draining so; my husband and I manage to take time to dine out almost everyday. Even if we went out, my smart phones are always online so; I am still working which is not good huh!

Cleaning Company in Florida

It's Hurricane season here in the US and water damage of the property in the Gulf Coast area is a common catastrophe. Here in Florida, whenever there is Hurricane in a category that's damaging, people have to leave their property especially if they are on the path of the storm. I saw the devastation but people keep coming back to Florida because this is home and people thrive here no matter what.

Anyway, do you have a water damage of your carpet? Do you need your tiles to be clean? The Website is all you need to save you money. If you are looking for services for your tile cleaning bonita springs, give them a call and they can schedule a visit for you.

This carpet cleaning naples fl is a company that guarantee your satisfaction. If you are not completely satisfied, this company will rectify your water damage cape coral problems too. The service that they provide is excellent for they are in this business for 25 years already. Call them today!

Monday, July 25, 2011

New Orleans Address Plaques

New Orleans is a place which is full of charm and history. The famous French Quarter, Bourbon Street, Cafe Du Monde and French Market that has vendors with voodooo stuff, you will see them all in this place. My visit to Cafe Du Monde brings me to a wonderful experience knowing the history of this place.
You will see this sign right next to Cafe Du Monde, my favorite place to buy beignets. Check it out if you plan to visit Boubon Street in New Orleans.

Home Address Plaques

Have you visited the state of Louisiana? I had the privileged of visiting New Orleans specifically inside French Quarters. Seeing the address plaques and address signs like the picture below is seen most of the time mounted on the wall of the building. In fact, I took pictures of the signs and posted them in my blogs.Are you searching for this type of product? There is a company which you can purchase all kinds of house address plaques, personalized home and garden decor, mailboxes and address plaque. If you click the links here, you will be amazed of the many beautiful designs of their products. They also offer a very large variety of Whitehall Products. All their products are made from top quality materials so; you can expect that all their product came from top manufacturers only! The prices are just right on your budget and you are buying superior products! Check this Website today!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Road Trip US Highway 90

When we were living in Mississippi, we love to go shopping at the Edgewater Mall. The place was huge and it's about 30 minutes from where we live.As always, I love taking pictures. This is the US Highway 90, the scenic route if you are heading to Louisiana or back to Florida.When there's hurricane, this road is closed for motorists safety. Most of the buildings and houses in this area was leveled and pulled back to the sea.This is Treasure Bay Hotel and casino located in Mississippi. If you travel in the scenic route US Highway 90, heading to New Orleans, you will see this hotel on the right side of the road.
Here, a lady was waiting for her ride.
This is Beau Rivage Hotel and casino in Biloxi, Mississippi. This is my favorite hotel in Mississippi and I love the Buffet. Oh I miss it already.

Hyundai Sonata

In few weeks, I might visit Florida Hyundai Dealer to look at Hyundai Sonata used vehicle inventory. I was looking on the interior features of this car and I was blown away with the comfort design and all its superb accessories. It has power-adjustable driver's seat with power lumbar support. It also has dual automatic temperature controls and the front seat is also heated therefore it can be customize by the driver or the passenger.It has a powerful navigation system which you can search places of interest, it can provide the present traffic situation, weather updates and even stocks and sports score at real time. I am used to having a sunroof and Hyundai Sonata has power tilt-and-slide sunroof. One of the best feature that I love is the rear view camera where you can see it on the central in-dash touchscreen which is an awesome car feature innovation! Do you want to see the inventory any time soon? Check out the West Palm Beach Florida Hyundai now! If you live in Delray, Wellington, Coconut Creek and Boynton Beach, you can check out the new and used cars in the Hyundai Dealers on that area too. For more information, visit the Website today or call them at (888) 544-4221 for sales department and if you need a service, dial 888-801-9213.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Holding the Wine Glass

I was in high school when my teacher demonstrated on how to properly hold the wine glass. I seldom drink wine and as a matter of fact, I don't see any pleasure in drinking wine. When there's a party and in socials, I can take a lil sip and that's it. Anyway, I read it somewhere before that we should always hold the glass by the stem, no matter what the shape or size of the glass and in any type of wine. This demonstration does hold the stem but, showing discomfort in supporting the glass.On this demonstration, it looks funny and the grip is so tight afraid that something might happen in seconds. Just relax and don't be conscious! The best way is to be comfortable in the crowd and just enjoy being yourself. You don't want to hold a wine glass like this because it looks untidy for simple reason! Here's the classy demo that I googled to show you the best way to hold the wine glass. See how relax the grip of the glass is? It shows "I am in control" and "I am having a good time".The proper way to hold a glass of wine is like the demonstration above. But, it doesn't mean that you have to focus your time figuring which is the right way and not. It's good to practice and conform to the norms of the society to be accepted, to belong and not embarrassed. But, what would you do when you see one holding the wine glass ridiculously funny? Don't burst your bubble!

Friday, July 15, 2011

Beautiful and Deadly

I was watching the Deadly Dozen TV show which is Science and Nature Documentaries. I just watch it thru my Netflix account streaming via Wifi -Wii Console. Here's two of the tiny creatures that's describe as beautiful but dangerous. This is blue octopus and it has a blue ring on it showing beautifully when provoked! It's venom is powerful enough to kill humans. There is NO blue-ringed octopus anti venom available. This is a funnel web spider mainly found in Australia. It is very tiny and highly toxic which deliver so painful when they bite. It will strike repeatedly due to their aggression. Don't be deceive by this tiny and beautiful thing, it's venom is painful and if not treated can result to death.

Inside SM Mall

Last year, I went to PI to finish an important task and I rarely go out for a short trip. I went to the mall mainly for groceries and do some banking. I promised myself to take a picture of the inside of the mall but, I can't get a good shot because I was always on the rush. One hand with my phone and the other with something to carry. Nonetheless, I just feel like sharing these pictures though it's blurry and bad caption.This is inside SM mall in Cagayan de Oro City while I was waiting a friend outside Watson's pharmacy.Every main doors in the SM Mall has security guards and for me it was normal. Far different in the US because you seldom see them here even the banks mostly have no security guards. The mentality of my American friends when they knew that we have security guards in most establishments in PI, we have problems with peace and order. I just shrugged it off!Here's the blurry photos taken at LKK Mall. We were rushing to find an ATM inside which we did find anyhow. I love to roam around the mall if given enough of the time.I am so proud of the malls in Cagayan de Oro because they are nice and well maintain. I can bring my American friends and I can be proud of our place.As you can see from the decoration, it was Christmas and the malls were beautiful with all the glitters and huge Christmas trees.We are still contemplating either to visit Philippines or go somewhere else for Christmas Vacation. My husband enjoyed SM Mall and I bet he will love to go visit the Philippines once again.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Lawyers: Medical Negligence

Are you a victim of medical negligence? If you are given an improper drug treatment or suffer injuries during operations, you can fight for your right thru Medical Negligence Lawyers. They can find legal justice for you and you can have a medical negligence claim. If you visit a cosmetic surgery or gynaecology doctor and it resulted to injury such as unexpected scarring or got a disease, you may have a case against them.The can be hired with no costs! This would mean that No Costs are charged unless you receive a settlement of compensation. If you live in Australia, this company will be your hope because they are the leading medical negligence lawyers in the country. So, if you suffer financial, psychological and physical harm due to medical negligence, you are entitled to claim damages. If it's beyond repair and it caused you pain and suffering, hire a lawyer at now!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

SM City Cagayan de Oro

For less than 10 minutes from my house in PI, I can do shopping, watch movies, do groceries and banking, dine in the food court and the list of activities are endless. This is SM City Mall in Cagayan de Oro City which is located in Pueblo de Oro township, Uptown in Carmen area. This mall is owned and operated by SM Prime Holdings.Presently, SM Cagayan is the 2nd SM Supermall located in Mindanao and the first SM Supermall in Northern Mindanao area.What I love about SM Mall is that, it has everything that I need! The grocery store is huge, has wide selections of appliances and has great display of electronics. The parking garage is very safe, huge and spacious.I took this picture on weekdays at 9:30 in the morning and forgot that they will only open at 10 AM. When you visit Cagayan de Oro City in the Philippines, I suggest you stay in Ridgeview Chalets at Xavier Estates and this mall is your primary hang out. It will probably take you less than 10 minutes to arrive in the mall. Visit Cagayan now!

Custom Labels

Are you searching for a company that's been in the Custom Label business for so many years?Data Graphics Inc. manufacture quality nameplates, overlays and labels for all types of companies. For 25 years, this company provides custom labels for industrial purposes as well as military specifications and commercial applications. No need to further your online search because when you visit, you will definitely love their services. This company offers fast delivery on Custom Labels order, can provide you with 24 hour quotes and if you request, you can expedite for premium service too. Data Graphics Inc. provides excellent service to the following Industries: Telecommunications, Medical, Aerospace, Military and more. But, if you belong to either the clothing or garment industry, this company do not cover them including office supply labels, For more information, check out the Website today!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Fort Matanzas

Have you been to Florida? There are so many things to do while you are in the Sunshine State. Of course, you probably would visit Orlando to visit Sea World, Universal Studios and Walt Disney World which you should. If you have more time, you should visit Saint Augustine, the Oldest City in the Nation.For less than two hours travel from Orlando, you will be in Saint Augustine. The road trip is fun and you will enjoy the view of the endless beach line along the scenic route and you might love to take a swim, go for it. Most of the beaches are accessible to public. The shoreline is absolutely beautiful. Before you arrive the city proper, there's a road going to Fort Matanzas National Monument.
The first picture above are canons located on the second floor then, there's the Soldier's quarter. It's very tiny.
Visitors were heading to the second floor of Fort Matanzas using the wooden stairway. The boat that brought us here is FREE to ride.
Fort Matanzas is located in a small island, a 1740 Spanish fort about 100 acres of salt marsh and barrier islands along the Matanzas River on the northern Atlantic coast of Florida. This place is operated by the National Park Service in conjunction with the Castillo de San Marcos National Monument in the city of St. Augustine. A historic place built to guard the Matanzas inlet.
If you love to see places associated with deep history, visit Fort Matanzas.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Road Trips

Since hubby and I have nothing holding us back from doing something in any day, road trip is our favorite activity. I can't tell you how many times we passed this road but, since I love this area, I can't help myself but take a snap over and over again.Here we are as we head eastbound interstate 10 in Mobile, Alabama approaching the Wallace Tunnel. Mobile is the third most populous city in the Southern US state of Alabama. This location is nearby Mobile River and the central Gulf Coast.The tall building that you see here is the RSA Battle House Tower which is the tallest building in Alabama. Did you know that it is the tallest building in the Gulf Coast outside of Houston? Beside it that looks like a rectangular shape is RSA–BankTrust Building.The exciting experience for me is driving towards Wallace Tunnel. This tunnel is used in many movies. If you are traveling routing the Gulf Coast scenic area, you can't miss this tunnel.
This tunnel crosses beneath the Mobile River. I always have a shallow happiness so, by driving this tunnel, it gives me an exciting feeling.
In the middle part of the tunnel, GPS and radio channels will quit working. Look at this light, it's pretty amazing right? I have no traumatic experience in a place like this so, I had fun memories. Of course, if you experienced a disaster such as the movie Daylight where in people were trapped and the water starts rising, that would be scary huh! God forbids!
There's nothing to worry when you pass the Wallace Tunnel. It's just a short time and you will see this light! This way, we are heading home to Florida. If you want to travel to Mobile, Alabama do not forget to drop by at Battleship Park.

It's My Birthday

It's my birthday month so, let me share to you my horoscope for fun!

The sun is in your sign until July 23rd, helping you set birthday resolutions or make a fresh start. On July 1st, a Cancer solar eclipse puts the spotlight on you. While the glare may be uncomfortable for your private sign, embrace your star power. People see you as a leader, so own it. Your powers of persuasion are irresistible this month. The July 14th full moon emphasizes true love and relationships. Is it time to make it official? Or has this gone as far as it can? Your rebellious streak flares up between now and December, especially with authority figures. A sarcastic remark toward your boss or parents won't score you any points. Rules were made to be broken, yes, but not just for the sake of breaking them. Choose your battles with care.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Family Insurance

It is really hard to live without a family insurance coverage. Without it, we will have constant worries for the future. There are so many "what if's" that will bugged our minds and these are concerns that should be addressed as priority expenses. We always look for affordable insurance but, to get the coverage that we wanted is not easy because we have to pay more.Are you looking for cheap life insurance quotes? Just visit the links which are provided here. This company is a good resource that offers a whole term life and life insurance plans which are easy on your pocket. There is a need to provide security for our family. If we want worry-free, insurance coverage, we need a good insurance now. Visit the links provided here and don't procrastinate because this is the right time to get your Free quotes to get you started!

Friday, July 8, 2011

Launch of Shuttle Atlantis

Atlantis mission: carry the Rafaello multi-purpose logistics module to deliver supplies, logistics, and spare parts to the International Space Station. It will also fly a system to investigate the potential for robotically refueling existing spacecraft and return a failed ammonia pump module to help NASA understand the failure mechanismand improve pump designs for future systems.
Today, we will be heading to Kennedy Space Center to watch the final launch of Shuttle Atlantis. This will be an awesome experience!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Cell Phone Decoy

You probably thought that these are cell phones right? Well, the picture below is just a decoy stun guns. When we go outside our home, we are always vulnerable to bad elements in the society. Being careful will not always yield to a positive event of our lives. Sometimes, we have to do something to protect ourselves at all times. These cell phone stun guns are good protection tools that we should own for protection. We may never know when bad elements strike but, if we are in the wrong place at the wrong time, having this product inside our purse would make a difference. We need to protect ourselves from

bad elements in the society. If bad situations happen, having this product would make them run away!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

America's 235th Birthday

On July 4th, there were 24,000 new American citizens at 350 naturalization ceremonies around the world. I would like to congratulate all of them. May this new citizens uphold what they promise and to abide the law of the constitution of the United Sates of America. Let us remind ourselves of the Oath of Allegiance:I hereby declare, on oath, that I absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state, or sovereignty of whom or which I have heretofore been a subject or citizen; that I will support and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I will bear arms on behalf of the United States when required by the law; that I will perform noncombatant service in the Armed Forces of the United States when required by the law; that I will perform work of national importance under civilian direction when required by the law; and that I take this obligation freely without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; so help me God.

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is valid from 02 July 2009 This blog is a personal blog. For questions about this blog, please contact amiableamy in the message section. If my post has a sponsor, it may influence the advertising content, topics or posts made in this blog. That content or advertising post may not always be identified as sponsored content. The owner of this blog provides opinion on products, services, websites and various other topics. Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider or party in question. It is the sole responsibility of the reader to weigh the product endorsements as legitimate. This blog does not contain any content which might present a conflict of interest.