Friday, March 30, 2012
Live Healthy and Happy
Good Advertising Technique Logo Mats and Canopy
Aside from that, you can also find a logo canopy and trade show carpet in some areas of the attraction. If you visit Disney, you will see all these in bold prints. Children who are in nursery and kindergarten know exactly what's on the carpet or floors even if they do not read yet. Using these products inside the park is an effective advertising. Children patronized what they saw and if it is colorful, that's what they are all excited for. Parents could only do one thing, buy it for their children.
View of Biloxi from the Beau Rivage
I need to open my emails and do my blog so; hubby and I went to the ISLE for lunch and hey, access to the Internet is ANYWHERE in the premises!
I think our room was in the 23rd or 24th and I took a good shot of the picture of the horizon below.

Here is the Beau Rivage Hotel which is so grand but, access to Wi-Fi is only limited to the expensive rooms perhaps.

I was a bit disappointed with our stay at the Beau but, I endure for three days because of the excellent bedroom.

On the fourth day, we check out and move to the ISLE.
Flowers Have Meanings
When a person lives far away from his dearly beloved, the means of communication would be flowers to deliver, phone calls and the Internet. All these ignite and touch every string of emotions between each other. Flowers are oftentimes the weakness of women and they tend to give meaning of the kind and colors of the flowers.
Some people give flowering plants to their love one so they can add the variety in her Gardening hobby. I prefer to receive a flowering plant from my husband so that I can add it in my collection. Whether you send a flower to express your love, sympathy, peace offering, or fidelity, just make sure that the flower you selected is right for that occasion. Check out the links if you want to order flowers today.
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Blue Heron Beach Resort in Orlando

Love my Job
At the Port of Macabalan

Enroll in Online Degree Programs
Literally, our world depends on technology and it is all good right? We are living in Information age where access to knowledge is just all around us. Amidst all these convenience, we cannot keep up if we don't go along with the trend.
If you seek for a job, companies are in need of people who are computer literate. You have all the advantage in the world if you know office software's and formal knowledge in information technology. Enroll in online bachelor degree programs and gain entry into a number of well-paying company. I am working online and I saw the need to take an IT course or an AA degree. and the easy way for me to get it is enroll online degree programs.
Experience, skills and the right credentials are the way to get a good job. If you have the right job, aim higher and increase your knowledge of the industry you are in right now. Enroll in online masters programs the top credentials that can lift your career up.
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Hot and Sunny Day

No More Bad Hair Day
Mini Photo Shoot

Fun Activities

While we were on the cruise ship, we got acquainted with some cruisers. They are veterans in cruising all over the world and they told us, NCL cruise line is the best because of Freestyle Cruising.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Favorite Photo

It was almost 4 PM and we are on our way back to Miami. There were activities inside the cruise ship but hubby and I prefer to watch the commotion down below. It was interesting especially when we saw a family running towards the ship when they saw the gangway being lift up. The gangway was put back again, giving the late comers the passage in. There were announcements, calling the passengers who are not on board yet. When we leave the port of Nassau, 3 names were being called and they did not return to the ship...we leave them behind.
Monday, March 19, 2012
Springtime and Allergies
I have a bad allergy when spring comes. When I breathe in the allergen such as pollen or dust, it triggers my allergy. I hate summers and the hot, dry, and windy days increases the amounts of pollen in the air therefore; it increases my allergy reactions too. On cool, damp, rainy days most pollen are washed to the ground and I don't get sick when the weather is cool.
Some allergies are often passed down through families. But, I can't think of someone in my family that has allergy in fact, when I was growing up; I do not have this allergy. Take note, if both your parents have allergies, you are likely to have allergies too. The chance is greater if your mother has allergies. The common symptoms that I have: stuffy nose, runny nose, and post-nasal drip. As soon as my allergy triggered by airborne allergens, I will have non-stop sneezing and nasal itching, as well as coughing, and headache, fatigue. The allergens also affect my eyes, causing watery, reddened, itchy eyes and puffiness around the eyes. I just hate it!
I won't let my allergy pull me down to stay at home all summer time. So, I take medicines for allergy relief and of course, I am buying a new air purifier that has HEPA filtration, can trap pollen, dust and mold spores. It is always good to smell fresh air so; I am buying a unit that can eliminate unpleasant odors. So far, I have windows of relief if I take medicines, stay indoors, purify the air inside the house and maintain cleanliness.
Paradise Island Bridge Toll
Sunday, March 18, 2012
A Grand Graduation Invitation
I remember my graduation day in college. I was a member of the Glee Club in the University and our group was invited to sing the National Anthem and the Lord's Prayer on Graduation Day. It was so surreal because I was singing on stage wearing the Graduation Toga. It was a big accomplishment for me since I was a working student with extra-curricular activities and able to maintain my grades and pass all my subjects.
My family especially my mother was so proud of me. She is a single mom and she sacrificed so much just to send me to a prestigious school. I promised her to give her my diploma and on my graduation day, it was my gift for her.
She gave me a grand celebration and without my knowledge, she handled the graduation invitations perfectly. Some of her friends gave me gifts, flowers and cash gifts. It was a celebration that I cannot forget because after the guests went home, my mother and I talk until dawn time. We look back on those times when we struggled to make ends meet. My mother had been to a lot of odds and sacrifices, and I am thankful for her of what I am now.
The party was fun but, the memory that lingers on my mind was when my mother and I have our own time alone, just talking about our journey together: me, as a student and her being a great mom.
Isle of Biloxi Hotel: The Beautiful Sunrise

Saturday, March 17, 2012
Switch to Car Leasing
We all love to spend a family vacation and traveling to so many places. But, with the economic recession that we have been experiencing at present, don't tell me your family budget is not hurting? We need to cut down unnecessary spending right? When matters about family specially for bonding moment, never cut it down. For travel expenses, you may rent a car for less and find more ways to spend a vacation with minimal expenses.
Anyway, if you are planning to buy a new car, why not try to rent or lease for a short term period? Did you know that in UK, Cars on Demand is popular? As soon as you sign the car agreement, this company offers a full car delivery service. This business has grown to be the major force in the leasing market because it is affordable, has flexible terms and has low deposits which are really ideal. One of my cousins uses this type of arrangement. It is very convenient because of the low monthly payments. For more information, check this out today.
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
How Much is the Ticket in Disney World
Monday, March 12, 2012
Just Having Fun
Sunday, March 11, 2012
Paradise Island of Bahamas
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Take Advantage of the Clipix Tool and Start Organizing Your Photos
Just few hours ago, I organize my photos according to categories: Food, Nature, Places, and Gadgets. These are the pictures that I usually use for my Websites and thanks to clipix, organizing is so easy. Once I have the pictures in my clipboards, sharing to friends and family is just one click away. In fact, I tried sending one picture to my social media account, it was posted in my wall in seconds. How cool is that? Sign up today and you will be amazed with this tool. If you have an iPhone, you can access your clipix clipboards when you download the iPhone apps. Check out this video:
It is so easy, right? Are you excited to use it? It is free so; sign up today and start using clipix tool. It will make your photo organizing fun, exciting and convenient because you just clip it and it goes to your clipboards. See my personalized clipboards below:
This is the nature category in my clipboard. When I need a picture about it, I can always find it my clipix account and it is so easy to send and share. If you browse the Web and you want to clip funny videos, just hit the clip button then, it goes to your clipix. What are you waiting for? Visit now and start using this tool. I am sure you will like it. After you sign up, please leave a comment about your experience. I love to hear about your feedback on clipix tool. Have fun using clipix!
Monday, March 5, 2012
Hanging out at the Port Canaveral Area

Sunday, March 4, 2012
Cool Attractions at Magic Kingdom in Disney World
Saturday, March 3, 2012
Epcot at Walt Disney World